It has been two weeks since our last meeting. I am attempting tonight to familiarize myself with the blogging process so I stop being angry at having to do it. Here is the blog prompt I found...
- What is your experience with blogs? Do you read them regularly?
- How did it go setting up this blog?
I have never read a blog before this assignment. I think that they are somewhat like listserves, but much more random. I am skeptical how I will like reading them (actually, I'm not sure the assignment is to read them at all), because I do not know the people very well, and because we are fulfilling the requirements just by posting, not by being graded A/F, but Pass/Fail, I don't think people will spend much time writing them.
Of course I could be wrong. Maybe by reading the blogs I will learn how to teach my students how to use the internet to become informationally literate. That is why I will try and do my best to make my own blogs interesting, not a waste of time to read, and fairly short. Wouldn't it be great if everyone did the same?
If you read to the end of this thank you, and if you didn't, I understand ;). Robyn Asher